Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Your SF Definition

Based on your viewing of part 1 of the SF slide show and on our class discussion, post your own definition of science fiction. Try to give some examples of the kinds of topics that SF includes and the purpose of SF.


Unknown said...

Science Fiction : A possible scenerio involving ordinary people (no extraordinary powers that is fantasy,) that use scientific inventions to travel to far away worlds or places unknown.

EricF said...

Science Fiction is a style of writing that captivates the imagination, and creates a vivid image of the world to come, this often involves new technology described in great length which segregates Science Fiction from Fantasy. The purpose of SF is to analyze the society around us, and occasionally to pinpoint certain policies for criticism

Chad M. said...

Science Fiction is whats beyond the ordinary, that is imagined by someone else. It's something that is a dream of what people want to come true and as the advancement of science has continued, the more likely these things can come true. It seems like it can be a guideline to the future.

Read T said...

Science Fiction is a genre that creates an alternate reality based on science or scientific possibilities, to comment on progress or the author’s current society. The story can take place in the future or in the past.

Ben K said...

My defintion of science fiction is a style of writing that uses imaginary and fictional ideas and settings to describe futuristic events and stories

Henry H. said...

My def. of SF is imaginary writing, which is based on different/new ideas of technology and science.

conorl said...

Science Fiction is a imaginary idea that could be considered possible, but not possible in the present.

andrewVB said...

SF is a fictional story that contains futuristic settings and characters. There is a plot surrounding imaginary ideas that make the reader think outside the ordinary.

Brian W. said...

Science fiction (SF) is defined as a story delving into a fictional world dealing with a with technology equal or beyond our own capabilities. Each have a theme of issues facing humanity (war, disease, genocide, etc.) and they generally solve the problem by employing the use of their superior technology and scientific advances. Some also use themes of government problems such as totalitarianism (Aeon Flux and V for Vendetta are two examples in movies). However, SF is strictly limited to feasible reality excluding things such as magic or the supernatural.

Andy H. said...

i think science fiction is a fake but possible thing that people thought of back in the day

Charissa W. said...

My definition of Science Fiction is a fantasy story, with heavy emphasis in scientific and mathematical concepts. I think that the science/math element is primarily what sets science fiction apart from the generic fiction genre.

Rchase said...

sf to me is somthing that seems possible and could happen through the use of technoligy. its purpose is to allow readers to expand there minds it bassicley shows that nothing is impossible.

Charissa W. said...
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KristenK said...

My definition of science fiction is a fictional story in a futuristic sense made to be believable.

Ashley H said...

SF to me is type of fantasy that could actually happen in the future. Its imagination using science as a resource to back up what ever that person is trying to make true. (Time Machine)

BenS. said...

Science fiction uses imagination to create stories about technology we may have in the future

Mike B said...

my opinion of Science fiction is some people's imagination going past what we are capible of right now. And it gives us thoughts of what could be going on outside of our world into others ways away in other galaxies and so on.

Tyler E said...

I think that science fiction is an exploration of ones mind within reason. In science fiction everything that happens is very possible to happen. people who write it are just exploring the future before we get there.

David. F said...

Science Fiction to me is fantasy and the unknown and technology and it also captures the imagination

Cody T said...

science fiction can be difined as the unbelievable and out of the ordinary. sci fi is made up by the author.

Luke B said...

SF is sciencetific ideals that are applied to a story

Joea said...

SF to me is something that looks and sounds real but really isn't. An example is Star Wars, the Millenium Falcon looks real.

Matt C said...

i define science fiction as an escape from reality, things not yet possible coming to life.

Teri said...

Science Fiction is a fictional story the has the possibility of happening

Laura G said...

to me the definition of science fiction is stories that are based on the imagenation of the author but, using events or situations that are happening on our world at the moment.

Charissa W. said...
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Kyle H. said...

Science fiction is a story with technological enablers. Acts or discoveries deemed impossible are made tangible through use, sometimes literally, deus ex machina.